My Earth, my Home, Δ' δημοτικού!

22 Απριλίου γιορτάζουμε κάθε χρόνο τη μέρα της γης, του πλανήτη μας, του σπιτιού μας! Τώρα μας έχει ανάγκη περισσότερο από ποτέ!!! Σε αυτή τη μέρα λοιπόν θα αφιερώσουμε ένα μικρό κομμάτι από το μάθημά μας για να κάνουμε και εμείς τη δική μας μικρή εκστρατεία (campaign) για να βοηθήσουμε τον πλανήτη μας να ανασάνει!!!

🌏A video is available for you about the celebration of Earth Day around the world. Watch it carefully and as many times as you want and then answer questions 1 - 10.

1. What is Earth Day according to the video? 
2. Name all the parts of the world that celebrate Earth Day and are in the video. 
3. What do they do in Japan every year? 
4. Explain the phrase "go green". 
5. How do they call Earth Day in South Africa? 
6. What do they do in Brazil? 
7. What about Hungary? 
8. What about Madagascar? 
9. What do people do in the USA to celebrate the day? 
10. Name the three ways to help the Earth according to the video. 

🌏🌎Imagine that you are responsible for organizing the celebration of Earth Day in your city or town. What things would you prepare to support Earth Day and give a message to people to help save the planet? Give at least 3 ideas... 

🌍🌏🌎A good organizer always prepares a great poster to help with his/her campaign. Make a poster with the title "Help the Earth, help our Home". It could be a series of photos, drawings and/or slogans with ideas on how to help, what we can do to change our lifestyle to save the environment. 

You can send your projects to or with a message in your e-class. 


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